Title: "Blog This" Written by R Young

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The Ultimate Fighter 6 Finale

December 9, 2007

December 8, 2007
the TUF 6 Finale

The welterweight (170 lb) prelims had Ben "Killa B" Saunders winning a 3 round decision over TUF 6 opponent
Dan Berrera; Matt "No Regard" Arroyo winning by Arm Lock in the first round; George Sotiropoulos Submitting Billy the Kid in the first round by rear naked choke; John "War Machine" Koppenhaver winning by TKO over Jared "J-Roc" Rollins in the third round of a hard fought battle between the two TUF contestants.
Great fight!

The finale Mac Danzig did what was expected of him; shut Tommy Speer up and show the world that Speer does not know how to fight. If anyone has some iota as to how to fight, you'd know Tommy didn't know how. Just by watching the TUF series, I saw how awful he was. I would have cried if Danzig didn't win (and I don't cry). Mac is definitely the real deal and he is already in the top 15-20 of the welterweights in my book. I truly believe he can go up against just about any one out there and come out victorious. Mac is definitely one of my favorite fighters. He is dropping down from 170 to...

Tags: fingerssfv, los angeles, mac danzig, mma, roger huerta, tuf 6 finale, ufc

Posted at: 03:29 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Hello... No, she isn't home... Is this her girl friend? Will I do? Me? Oh just a friend...

June 3, 2007

Tags: blog, fingerssfv, meez

Posted at: 03:47 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

The 'Onion Field' Killer, Jimmy Lee Smith, dead at 76 (death: 4/13/2007)

May 4, 2007

...but first, a little inside information from a person who knew the man:      Sealed

April 13, 2007--Wayside, Castaic--Jimmy Lee Smith did have his addiction issues, and really could have used some intense intervention. 

I knew Mr. Smith, discussed his mental blocks and such all from a person to person point of view.  He was not under my care at the time, and I was not under any code of ethics rules at the time, either.  Therefore, I will not hesitate in saying he did reside in the same building as I back in the late 80's.  That is how I was able to talk with Mr. Smith regarding his herion addiction, alcoholism and recidivism issue of constantly being watched by the local authorities.  This makes it much easier to be returning to custody.  If the police constantly kept their eye on you, and you had an addiction problem, I'm sure you can understand where I am going here.  I felt sympathy for Mr. Smith, because I'm sure he came from an age and lifestyle growing up that molded him into who he was.  Mr. Smith had a likeable personality.  He was non violent in his actions, appeared to be paranoid, but had cause to... [More]

Tags: fingerssfv, jimmy lee smith, onion field killer, powell

Posted at: 05:45 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

quotes to remember and/or Forget

April 22, 2007

"Life is like a jar of Jalepenos: what you do today may burn your ass tomorrow".  --anon

"A day without sunshine is like...nighttime?"  --anon

"On the other hand, you have...more fingers".   --anon

"He who laughs last, probably thinks the slowest".   -anon

"Depression is actually anger without the enthusiasm".  --anon

"The early bird may get the worm, but the 2nd mouse gets the cheese in the trap".   -anon

"Having a clear conscience is actually someone with a bad memory".  --anon 

"Change is inevitable, except from vending machines".  --anon

"If you think nobody cares, try missing a few car payments".  --anon

"Make love, not war.  Heck, why not do both?  Just get married."  --anon

"What happens if you get scared half to death,  two times?"  --anon

"How much deeper would the Ocean be without sponges?"  --anon

"We all know about the speed of light, right?  So what's the speed of dark?"   --anon

"If pro is the opposite of con, then what is the opposite of progress?"   (Congress)   --anon

"Why do Psychics always ask you for your name?  They are psychic, right?"   --anon

"If life is a waste of time, and time is a waste of life, then let's all get wasted together and...


Tags: famous anonymous quotes, fingerssfv

Posted at: 09:05 PM | 1 Comment | Add Comment | Permalink

April 21, 2007 UFC in England

April 21, 2007

April 21, 2007 UFC in England
April 21, 2007  UFC in England magnify

April 21st, 2007--Manchester, England--Michael Bisping just beat the shit out of Elvis Sinosic. Minutes into the second round, Bisping was caught with a knee from Sinosic and ended up on his back. Sinosec attempted a Kamura but was unsuccessful, then attempted to mount Bisping while having his back. That is when Bisping got pissed. He twisted around while still in the grasp and commenced beating on Sinosic until Referee Steve Masagati called the fight. Bisping was slinging those fists so fast that Sinosic was unable to even attempt to block any of them. This was one of the most exiting fights I've seen in any ring/octagon. My hat's off to Michael 'The Count' Bisping for bringing it to the opponent. He admitted to being under much pressure since he did not want to let down his Country or his family. Well, he definitely did not let anyone down, with the exception of Australia and Sinosic's family. Sinosic fought a courageous battle, but was no match for the undefeated Michael Bisping, who holds a perfect 13-0 record Sinosic drops his record to 8-10-2. rty


MIRKO CRO COP was KO'd four...


Tags: fingerssfv, michael bisping, mma, ufc, ufc 70

Posted at: 11:03 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

8th Annual SASA Forum held at ELAC on...

April 19, 2007

April 19, 2007--Student Center--ELAC was busy today, holding SASA's 8th annual forum on Awareness. Speaking were a Sheriff's Deputy, A Judge, and an attorney all speaking on the subject of substance abuse. I hope I start seeing members logging in to these websites. If not, I really don't know what else to do. I cannot get these members nor have I been able to get the past members to register as a group member of either SASAmembers group sites. All I can do is continue to update these pages as I always have. At least I am doing my job. Back to the forum, Drs. Blanton and Taback were in attendance. So were the students of their classes. Some teachers are kind enough or smart enough to allow their students to attend these forums for extra credit. That being said, thank you to Dr. Vartanian and Jimmy Logan as well.   rty

Tags: dr. blanton, elac, fingerssfv, sasa, sasa forum

Posted at: 07:45 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

CHICAGO is chosen to represent...

April 14, 2007

April 14, 2007--CHICAGO, IL--Unfortunately for Los Angeles, the USOC  chose Chicago to represent the United States in our Country's bid for the 2016 Olympics.  Congratulations to Chicago.  There is no more fear of some fanatic blowing up our (Los Angeles) subway system or the US Bank Building now.  In fact, we can relax somewhat now as a result in this decision by the USOC.  We do not get the much needed temporary employment nor do we see the revenue Los Angeles could have embraced.  That now falls into the lap of Chicago.  I'm sure Los Angeles will have representatives of LAPD, LASD & Homeland Security  among other entities involved in the security of the 2016 Olympic games in Chicago, so all is not lost.  rty


Tags: chicago, fingerssfv, homeland security, lapd, lasd, los angeles, olympics, us bank

Posted at: 03:18 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

UFC's Guillard tests positive for...

April 14, 2007

April 5, 2007--Nevada--UFC Lightweight contender Melvin Guillard's post-fight UA results revealed the banned substance Benzoylecgonine, a cocaine metabolite, which puts the Nevada State Athletic Commission with the dreary duty of deciding on a punishment for Mr. Guillard; fine him?   Suspend him?  Both?  What was he thinking?  I suppose that 72 hour rule didn't work as advertised.  [supossedly, one can take drugs, wait three days (72 hours) before submitting a UA and it should come back negative].

Just because one is an athlete, even in a sport as extreme as this, it doesn't mean it is ok to use illegal or banned substances.  Now, as a result of Guillard's lapse in judgment, he might end up losing his appeal to the fans of the UFC.  One thing the commission needs to do is have Guillard be screened to see how bad his drug abuse is.  Remember it is abuse if and when negative consequences result in one's usage and despite the negative consequences, one continues to use/abuse.   I'd say this is one such case.   I hope Guillard seeks treatment.  It doesn't matter how little or how much he uses, he used enough to get caught.  He may have wanted to get caught. ...


Tags: drug abuse, fingerssfv, melvin guillard, mma, prevention, substance abuse, treatment, ua testing, uas, ufc

Posted at: 02:59 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink


April 7, 2007

UFC in Houston on April 7th:

Well, Matt Serra beat Georges ST. Pierre in the Main Event of the Ultimate Fighting Championships in the Welterweight division.  Now Matt Serra has the belt.  It was only natural that Mr. St. Pierre was going to lose his first and only title defense.  Wanna know why?

History shows that after a longtime champion loses his belt, the opponent who took it loses his first title defense. Matt Hughes held it for a long time, so St. Pierre had to lose his first defense.  I was rootin' for Serra anyway.  Whether or not this would have been St. Pierre's first or any title defense, because I've seen Matt Serra in action.

Josh Koscheck beat Diego Sanchez in their welterweight bout.  DIego was undefeated before stepping into the ring tonight.  Josh had it in for Diego, since losing to him      in the Ultimate Fighting Championship series bout between the two fighters a few years back.  Besides it was time someone put the kid in his place; shit, he was getting too big for his britches.  Don't get me wrong; I like his ability to kick ass.  And believe me, he kicks ass.  Now that he...


Tags: fingerssfv, mixed martial arts, mma, prevention, sasa, ufc

Posted at: 11:15 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Chapter 2---16 Rules for Fair Fighting

March 27, 2007

Ready for another argument?  Let's try not to kill eachother, OK?  In fact, let's try something new; let's work on our techniques in communications.  How about instead of attacking our spouse, let us choose not to attack.  Why not just tell yourself: "I am not going to use 'always' and 'never' in my sentences."  When talking to my spouse, I will not attack her.  I refuse to say "you always..." or "you never..." or I always...".  From now on, I will not lie to you by over stating how many times something is or is not done.  No use putting you on the defensive, right?  Why not avoid the negative behavior during discussions?  Why argue about insignificant things?  What is really on your mind?  Tell it like it is, without the salt and pepper.  Cut out the drama and keep it simple.  Lies are hard to remember, so tell the truth.  If you do something that you know is wrong morally or legally, and when you are confronted, it is hard not to cover it up, isn't it?  So why do it?

How about the silent treatment?  Don't you hate it when she (or he) gives you...


Tags: fighting, fingerssfv, hate, love, mate, relationships, spouse

Posted at: 08:23 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

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